Raptor Rundown

Alejandro G. Belluscio of NASASpaceFlight wrote a fantastic piece on Raptor with quite a few interesting tidbits:

Since the final thrust level of the Raptor had not been settled, it was decided that the first integrated test engine would be a 1MN sub-scale engine.

It enabled the full testing at Stennis E2 and allowed for the development of robust startup and shutdown sequences, characterize hardware durability and anchor analytical models that would be used for future designs.

The Raptor demonstrator turbomachinery is capable of producing 27MW of power, with more power “per unit of thrust” of any hydrocarbon engine.

It also demonstrates the use of 3D printing, with 40 percent of the engine utilizing this technology when measured by mass.

I definitely recommend reading the article in full—there’s a ton of great history and plenty of technical bits in there.