Off-Nominal Origins: Jim Bridenstine

Huge news today! NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine joined Jake and I for the first episode of Off-Nominal Origins. We talked about how he got interested in space and aviation, his time at Rice University, his years as a Navy pilot, his continuing fascination with the Rocket Racing League, and a whole lot more.

And yes, obviously, we talked about the time Jake and I started a weird little sideshow at IAC 2019 with The Jim Bridenstine Fan Club.

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Let’s Make Space Better

We’ve put together a fundraiser with the help of our Off-Nominal Discord community to benefit two fantastic organizations that are helping make our space industry a better place: Black Girls Code and the Banneker Institute at Harvard.

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Thank You to May Supporters!

Very special thanks to the 414 of you out there supporting Main Engine Cut Off for the month of May. MECO is entirely listener- and reader-supported, so your support keeps this blog and podcast going, growing, and improving, and most importantly, it keeps it independent.

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